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Quintessential Nonsense: The Beginning of The End

The LCHS Opinionator

Quintessential Nonsense: The Beginning of the End


           Three-eigths of an inch is all that separates the 2500 students and 100+ faculty and staff of Las Cruces High School from possible deadly health issues. I'm sorry for whining, but I don't think that some measley pieces of plywood held together with dinky nails constitutes as "safey procautions" against minute particles of the dreadful substance, asbestos.


This was the general mindset for the population of LCHS during the first two days of school. Excuse me for being so negative, but being crushed in the halls because of inadequate moving space due to the closure of two hallways doesn't constitute, in my book, as a reliable safety precaution. Our administration, though, I'm sure, sincere in their best wishes, is grossly overconfident in their estimation for time of completion for their latest project. I want to see Nieta out in these halls during passing period. The jostling I personally experience would definitely sway her intricately designed bouffant... maybe then she'd realize how WE feel. So please, Mrs. Haines, please come and join the 2500 young adults who you care for so deeply during any of the passing periods during the day. Take some time to relish in the crush of the student body and take some time and smell the asbestos. Consider this your personal invitation... sorry I didn't have the time to get it engraved on an invitation to you, but this was the best I could do.


Now I feel I must take some time to do a little cheering for the Class of '05. We are seniors, we are intelligent, and this year, to the chagrine of Nieta Haines, we are going to finish out our high school careers in the way that we started them: winning football games, skipping classes (I personally would like to spit upon the new attendance policy... I hear that if you fail an exit exam, they crucify you and hang you in the main office), and having a good time. Unfortunately, the administration has made this endeavor slightly difficult for us. Aside from the new rules and regulations, the administration is completely disconnected from the actual students they are supposedly "herding" into a new era of educational excellence.. oh, such a Disney-esq idea, but in reality, come on. I'm not really sure if the administration realizes that they are dealing with 14-18 year olds here, not middle-aged adults who don't really give a damn about what the big deal is about skipping.


So as the 2004-2005 school year commences, I would like to give a pat on the back to the seniors... we can do it. We always have. For the next (fortunately unconsecutive) 178 days of school, we will become one of the finest graduating classes that has had the pleasure, of sorts, to graduate from the fine institution of Las Cruces High School. So go out there and kick some ass. And to you juniors and underclassmen, we'll bestow to you our world, but right now, it's our time to shine.

New editor, same satirical bitching.