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National Honor Society
The LCHS Opinionator

Cult Turns Out To Be National Honor...Society?

"It would be no surprise to me if NHS started to sacrifice goats. I heard they use to sacrifice babies, but then civil services shut them down. They reopened several years back and started up again, and perhaps they changed the main course from babies to goats." --Anon
It's that time of year again when NHS members must turn in their community hours and receive their prominent pins that they may wear so proudly. So, that means that they are all done 'giving back to the community'. Right? They've done their part in 'helping out society'. They went to the soup kitchen for an hour and they got their credit. Or maybe they could be really charitable and buy a bunch of books worth a quarter each and donate them to an elementary school. And we all know how beautiful our school looked after these praiseworthy students completed a campus cleanup. Oh! How I admire these fine individuals. If only their "hard-work" actually meant something.
Sure, it is all good and dandy that they go to "Cruces High Night" at the Gospel Rescue Mission and help out those less fortunate. They get to look down upon the so called 'scum of the city' and laugh in the face of hard luck. I especially like when they go wearing their Abercrombie and Fitch tee shirts and American Eagle pants which cost them more than an entire month's worth of meals for some people. It is sickening to think that they actually believe that they are helping people out. "Well, I've done my good deed of the year. I'll go back home and indulge. I deserve it!"
So, how is it that National Honor Society is still up and running? The students must give back to the community simply because if they don't, they'll be kicked out of the presigious organization. Yes, that shows true commitment and nobility on their part.
Whilst attending an NHS meeting you will hear a nasally "Shut up! Shut up!" in the back of the room. No--it isn't the freaky janitor, nor is it the self-serving NSH president, but it is in fact, the advisor. "Give 'em a hat and they call themselves Hitler." Taking so much pride and authority in the domineering position known as the NHS Coordinator, the brusque woman contributes nothing to this lackluster job. How is it that the power of this derisory group lay in the hands of the ominous woman with nothing better to do than kick people out for not having their forms signed? She takes pride in writing up the curt, patronizing and vindictive entry forms that one must fill out and turn in during the first month of membership. You know, the one that your parents must sign? Well, considering most students don't read that, they wouldn't know what the hell they are getting themselves into. They could have just sold their souls to the devil and not know it (and let us once again take a look at the advisor). Lucky for me, I did have the opportunity to read this piece of trash, and as I read it, I couldn't help but think what organization it was for. Was it for the "Drug Dealers of Southern America" ...maybe the "Gang-Bangers of Cruces High"....perhaps the letter was addressed to the "Future Cons and Felons of the US". But when I finally got to the point where it did in fact mention who it was concentrating on, it truly shocked me. The letter was speaking to the elit few that are suppose to be the best and brightest of the entire school. So why does the tone of the letter make it seem as if the members are the worst and dumbest in the school? You've got me there, but why don't you go and ask Hitler. She won't yell at you or anything, because that isn't what she does to people. Not handing in forms on time, having your own opinion, or not finishing up a community project doesn't get you kicked out of anything. Wearing jeans to the induction ceremony won't get you life in hell with no parole. And I'm not being sickeningly sarcastic right now either...
Published April 2002