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A Senior's Perspective on Graduation '04

The LCHS Opinionator

A True Accolade

Sorry Big Mike, but this is for Saba.


            "Your knees will be shaking, your hands will be sweating, and your heart will be pumping. Suddenly, you'll feel a cool breeze hit you under your gown and then you will see the crowd. They'll be chanting and it will all be for you. And you've just got to remember to walk." --Sal


Consider us officially done. We have our 5"x5" diplomas and our caps-n-gowns are hanging up back in the closet. The pictures are taken. The band has played. The parents have cried. The friends have cheered. The hands were shaken. And the balloons were stirred.
            As I walked down the tunnel I attempted to think of something profound to ponder because it's such the momentous experience and all, but I couldn't think of anything. Until I saw that glimpse of the chanting crowd. And it was then I thought back to Sal's speech he gave me about knees shaking and heart pumping as we approach the pan am. And then I just got the dumbest grin on my face.

In regards to the previous article knocking the magnanimous event known as graduation, let's hear from an actual graduate's perspective, not a naïve junior who simply proves to be envious of her peers' attention.

            As far as graduations go, the 2004 ceremony was by far the most elaborate of affairs. From the hired DJ during the rehearsal to the 2,500-plus balloons that fell from the ceiling, Nyeta went all out.

            Bulldawg Broadcast producer Saba Mohammad's devotion to Las Cruces High School and to the class of 2004 shined through her video presentation dedicated to her class. The film of highlights covered the depths of most high school activities, not just sports as the ill-informed new editor suggests. The editor's jealous remarks truly emphasis her inability to run this website.

            However, the editor is correct in her statement seen in ALL CAPS that the video lacked equal representation. This is true in the sense that underclassmen were not shown as much as the seniors and the activities no one participated in were not shown. Oops, my bad...I guess that would make sense being this was the senior-version of the media programs' memory video. Thanks for playing, but your parting gift is at the door.

            Struggling to grasp any big word to suggest an extensive vocabulary also invalidates moronic statements including the claim that administrators mispronounced some of the 480 names read aloud that evening. If you were a senior, you would be aware that there was "pre-planning" as you call it before this event. It was called rehearsal, after which students were to tell the administrators how to pronounce their name if they thought it would be problematic.   

            To the new editor I advise to get the full story before bashing something on this website. So, let me void your tribute to the senior class and replace it with a real accolade"

To Saba, you rocked that video and every hour spent on it proved worth it. It made us laugh, it made us cry, and it was truly amazing. Thanks for your hard work and dedication. If only the rest of us could live up to your impressive skills, we would be better for it.

To the faculty and administrators, thank you for all of your encouragement. Walking down that ramp and hearing your cheers and receiving your hugs made the culmination of our four years with you spectacular.

To the underclassmen, have fun next year. Speaking as a new alumnus of LCHS, I can honestly say make the best out of high school. You might be wishing it away now, but come last semester senior year, you will be wanting it all back.

            To the class of 2004, keep on rocking the free world. This is only the beginning. Its our time to shine.


**This will be my last article, seriously this time. Unless there is an outcry or riot, then I will return with more witty remarks. Take care, kids. It's been grand.


New editor, same satirical bitching.